Saturday, September 29, 2012

News Around the Block

We are delighted to announce a new Corporate Partner and a new endorsement for Heal the Plague Foundation.

Our new partner is:

XO Skins is THE way to protect your electronic devices. The protective covering is a UV coated polyurethane film that is custom-fit for electronic devices such as cell phones, MP3 players, and GPS devices. While maintaining the original size and look, XO Skins provides thin and clear protection for gadgets. This allows you to continue to dock and holster your devices, leaving the film virtually unnoticeable. The polyurethane film is used on fighter jets, helicopter blades, and the space shuttle to protect against debris. This illustrates the extreme strength of XO Skins protection! XO Skins fills in 95% of existing scratches, and will prevent existing cracks in screens from shattering. Virtually anybody who owns a new or old device – whether or not it has already been partially damaged – can benefit from this protection.

And we are proud to endorse:

The S.A. Lifeline Foundation was begun in 2009, in response to a need for information and support about pornography addiction. The founders, Rhyll and Steven Croshaw, recognized a critical lack of information about this addiction and a plethora of misinformation about what is required to achieve recovery. The foundation work is focused on education – education about the spiritual, physical, emotional and social nature of pornography addiction, education about what others have done to recover from this addiction, and education about the support and recovery that loved ones of the addict need.

Welcome to the Heal the Plague Foundation family.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


There is no comfort in growth, 
and there is no growth in comfort.

Here endeth the lesson.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Heal the Plague Logo

Doug has finally chosen the final design for Heal the Plague Foundation's logo. You're the first to see it!

Copyright 2012 by Heal the Plague Foundation. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hard at Work

We've been hard at work pulling all the final pieces of Heal the Plague Foundation together. Doug has worked night and day crossing all his t's and dotting on his i's to make sure everything is created just as it should be in order to make HTP successful.

Drawing on his own experiences, Doug has met and contracted with several therapists and doctors who specialize in the treatment of all varieties of addiction. However, HTP will focus largely on pornography, sex, drugs, and alcohol. Working as a facilitator himself, he understands how critical it is for the addict to realize they are no longer alone, and that there is hope in this journey back to sobriety.

HTP has completed the paperwork for the 501c3 filing with the IRS. It will be filed in the next week or so. In the meantime, as mentioned before, all donations will go through Midway Heritage Foundation which allows HTP donors to have all donations be tax exempt.

We invite you to join us on this journey as we reach out a helping hand toward those currently caught in the stranglehold of addiction. There is hope, and there most certainly is a light at the end of the tunnel. All you have to do is take that first step, we'll take you by the hand and walk with you the rest of the way.

Copyright 2012 by Heal the Plague Foundation. All rights reserved.

Monday, September 24, 2012

About Heal the Plague Foundation


Dear Friends: 

Heal the Plague Foundation is dedicated to the cause of healing the plague of addictions including pornography, sex, food, drugs, and alcohol. Addiction has swept the world in a tidal wave; leaving behind shattered lives and broken homes. Founder, Doug Osmond, has partnered with licensed therapists and health care professionals, to bring hope to those consumed in the throes of addiction. A path through the darkness is essential for healing, but that path will remain hidden until a light is shined on the problem. 

Heal the Plague Foundation aims light on the plague of addiction by offering financial assistance to those seeking professional help through this painful process. The initial funding will go to establish the foundation, complete the 501c3 process, and create the vehicle by which the healing process may begin. We have partnered with Midway Heritage Foundation in Midway, UT, so that all donations are immediately tax deductible for our donors. This partnership will remain in place until we have reached full 501c3 status. Due to the partnership, donations are temporarily limited to a maximum of $5,000 per person or entity in any calendar year (as soon as 501c3 status is in place, larger donations are accepted and welcomed).

Thank you for supporting such a worthy cause. Nearly every person will be affected by addiction in one form or another. Whether one struggles personally with addiction or not, it has likely touched every life through the lives of those around us. Through the programs offered by Heal the Plague Foundation, your donation will truly make a difference in the lives of those suffering the destructive pangs of addiction. 

Doug Osmond, President and CEO 
Heal the Plague Foundation

Copyright 2012 by Heal the Plague Foundation. All rights reserved.